
Friday, September 09, 2005

mini rant

the worst thing so far about being in a cubicle is that i can't bitch without being overheard.

here's a thing that often frustrates me: i ask somebody who works for me a question, and i get only the most literal answer.

Q: Do we have MS (mail stop) codes so that Sacramento people can send things through interoffice mail?
A: Not that I am aware of. If I hear anything new, will let you know.

okay, nobody is going to call us up and just happen to mention whether or not we have MS codes, so the chances of this person "hearing anything new" are zero. so fucking GO AND FIND OUT.

is it really that hard to take one tiny intuitive leap and think, huh, part of my job here is to facilitate work getting done, and probably this was not just an idle question on the part of my boss, and maybe i could get off my LAZY ASS and do some actual work.

but no. instead the burden is on me to specify exactly what action is needed, by when it should be taken, etc. it's not just one person, or one job classification, where this occurs -- it's endemic in the organization where i work. there are only a few people who show the faintest degree of initiative.

i hate this place. i want out.


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