stop me before i hyperlink again
i should be long since asleep. dr. crackcorn will be here at o-dark-thirty and i am surfing aimlessly, tired and wired. been playing with wordcount for a while.
they say: "WordCount™ is an artistic experiment in the way we use language. It presents the 86,800 most frequently used English words, ranked in order of commonness."
i™ say: it has a mesmerizing interface and i've been goofing around with it for nearly an hour. there are some fascinating juxtapositions.
partnership inquiry sarah camp parallel residents ruling pack.
schema pirate militants.
thanks, dear jean, for pointing out another internet meme.
oh, and everybody, go look at jean's gorgeous work and poke around on her website. she's about to take her feet to paris, london, and dublin for half a year.